Presidents Patter – Summer 2019

Date: 12th Aug 2019 Author: Nikki Benge

PHEW! That was a Scouting Summer Term – That was!
I can honestly say that in all my years of part of 2nd Whitton (and there have been a few) I cannot recall a term that has been so full of Scouting activity as the one just past.
Every Section and our Group Officers and Supporters have played their part to provide a wonderfully varied and for the most part exhilarating series of activities that truly represents the “Nulli Secundus” (Second to None) motto of our Group.

Group Activities

The Family Camp at the Walton Firs Activity Centre
Over 250 parents & children, gathered on the weekend commencing Friday 16th May and in fine weather enjoyed days and evenings packed with active and creative activities.

Group AGM & BBQ at the HQ
Another very successful BBQ and Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 20th June. Whilst partaking of the excellent food and drink, those who attended heard of another wonderful year for all involved in the 2nd Whitton Scout Group. Towards the end of the meeting the District Commissioner spoke warmly of the Group its size and abundance of opportunities our uniformed members enjoyed and he was grateful for the support the Group gives to the District events throughout the year. He then presented Trevor Smallpiece with his 20 years Long Service Award and Robert Middleton with his 15 years Long Service Award. Many thanks and congratulations to both. Glowing tributes were also paid to Jan Furze who had previously announced her intention to “retire” from her roles with the Group at the end of this term. Jan was presented with a bouquet of flower and a present. Jan will be greatly missed in her Group Admin role where she managed the Compass data of all Group members and their families, not least her regular updating of the Honours Boards. She will also be very much missed by Green Pack, where she served for many years both as Akela and more recently as Assistant Cub Scout Leader. Thank you so much Jan for all that you have contributed to the life of our Group over so many years. Green Pack also bade a fond farewell to one of their most dedicated Leaders at their end of term meeting. It was good to welcome Al “Perce” Purcell and Chris “Mega” Watts to the evening, having seen the Ad.

Two Whit Garden
Over £200 was raised at the Chase Bridge School Summer Fete which will be used to stock and maintain the Two Whit Garden, presently in full bloom and already producing many vegetables. It is situated behind the Quartermasters Stores at the HQ.

Scout Activities
Rowing the “Jubilant” barge/ Borough Camp at Walton Firs/ Water Weekend at Thames Young Mariners/ Archery

Cub Activities
“Go Ringo” at Sandown Ski Centre/ Snakes & Ladders/ Gilwell Fun Day/ Sandown Skywalk/ Robot Wars/ Kayaking at Thames Young Mariners

Beaver Activities
Day Camp at 1st Normandy HQ/ River Dipping at the Crane Park Nature Reserve/ Bell Boating at Thames Young Mariners/ “Go Ape” in the Bracknell Forest/ Adventure Challenge Sleepover at Broadstone Warren Activity Centre.

Readers can see for themselves the range of adventurous activities provided for by all of our voluntary and always unpaid Leaders Teams provide for all Sections of the Group.

Top Awards for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in our Group
This term Scouts have gained 9 Chief Scout Gold Awards
This term Cub Scouts have gained 8 Chief Scout Silver Awards
This term Beaver Scouts have gained 9 Chief Scout Bronze Awards
Well done all of you for your hard work in gaining these top awards in your Sections and thank you Leaders and Parents for your dedication in encouraging the boys and girls in their endeavours.

24th World Jamboree, West Virginia, USA
As I write the Scouting dreams of four of our Scouts and one of our Leaders has been realised. They are presently into the second week of camping at the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA. Tega Schmidt, Euan Corke, Marcus Taylor and Michael Morgan, along with ASL Emily Smallpiece are in the GLSW Troop, as part of the UK Contingent. Next week they will enjoy some America home hospitality before returning home. I hope in the autumn they will share some of their experiences with the rest of our uniformed Sections and in so doing encourage our younger girls and boys to follow in their footsteps.

Cub Camps
Green Pack are presently camping at 1st Normandy HQ, Surrey
Yellow Pack are presently camping at Bentley Copse Activity Centre, Shere

Scout Camps
Bird Troop Camp 17th August
Animal Troop Camp 24th August Ferny Croft, New Forest, Hampshire.

All of the 2nd Whitton Scout Group news and photos can be found on our bang-up–to–date website – so dip in whenever you want.

Now I’m off to visit the Fjords, so ‘til we meet again in the Autumn on the Web, bye!
Geoff Benge
Group President

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III