
"The War Years"

1938 to 1945
Throughout the Second World War years four patrols each of six boys met for short meetings during daylight hours. The hut was used for storing waste paper for the war effort, but it was set alight by vandals and nearly burnt to the ground. The Group Trustees sold it soon after. Mrs Curry became Cub Mistress of the Wolf Cub Pack with Miss J Carman and Miss M Smith as her Assistants. Scout Laurie Reed gained the first First Class Scout Badge. In April 1943 Miss C White became another Assistant with the Pack and Mr R Hughes became Scoutmaster before moving to 6th Whitton. Messrs D Walker and G ward became Assistant Scoutmasters.

The war was over and young men began returning home. The Troop’s first Summer Camp was held at Broadstone Warren Scout Campsite. However the weather was so bad the camp was abandoned after only four days. Ted “Skipper” Pearce moved from 6th Twickenham to become the Group Scoutmaster. Peter Woods transferred from 9th Twickenham to become an Assistant Scoutmaster. The first Group Committee was formed under the chairmanship of Fred Hurll (Fred was also the Chief Executive Commissioner of the national Scout Association).

Alan Hall became the Group’s first King’s Scout and was chosen to represent the Group and District at the first post-war World Scout held at Moisson in France. The Group were given use of a small campsite at the Almoners in Lyne, near Chertsey. Fred Benge having returned with his family from Wolverhampton visited a camp there and agreed to become an Instructor. Later in the year his wife Mabel became an Assistant Cub Mistress with Ida Locke as Cub Mistress. Another important milestone during this year was the formation of the Group’s Supporters Association. Their first task was to set up a fund for a new headquarters.

A Group branch of the newly organised Old Scout’s Guild was formed. The Guild presented trophies for the two Cub Packs and the Scout Troop. The first “Twickeree” camp after the war was held in Marble Hill Park, and the Troop’s summer camp was held at Eype, near Bridport in Dorset. Bill “Eagle” Summerfield joined the Group as an Assistant Scoutmaster. Many camps were held throughout the year at Chertsey. In late November the first show entitled “Our Show” was presented for two nights. It was hailed as a great success. The Group first Autumn Bazaar was held in Bishop Perrin school hall.

Early in the year Our Show was repeated for fund-raising purposes. In October the Group’s first magazine was published entitled “The Gateway”. Jumble Sales, a Summer Fete and a grander Autumn Bazaar were held by the Supporters, all profit contributing to the HQ building fund. The Group continued to grow numerically and a Rover Crew was formed. Their newly presented St Georges flag was paraded with the other sections colours at the monthly Church Parades at St Augustine’s Church which then was still part of the Bishop Perrin school building (The chancel is now the school library). The Cubs camped for the first time at Chertsey.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III