The first meeting of the Scout troop took place in October. The Group was first registered at Imperial Scout Headquarters as number 18351 on the 9th December 1936 with Fred Benge as Scoutmaster and Mr P Matthews as his Assistant Scoutmaster. The Troop met in the Bishop Perrin School hall.
Fred Benge became Group Scoutmaster early in the year. A Wolf Cub Pack was started with Mrs Matthews as the Cub Mistress (Akela). The troop camped at the Twickenham District’s “Coronation Camp” (This camp was to become the forerunner of the “Twickeree” camps of today). Eddie Walker represented the Group and District at the World Scout Jamboree in Holland. A Group show was performed to raise funds for camping equipment.
A hut costing £25 was purchased and erected in the corner of the cemetery in Hospital Bridge Road to house camping equipment. The Rev. Hadkinson took charge of the Group when Fred Benge moved with his job to Wolverhampton. Mr Matthews also resigned and Mr R Cracknell became Assistant Scoutmaster.